Real education will not teach you to compete, it will teach you to cooperate. It will not teach you to fight and come first, but to be creative, loving and blissful, without any comparison with the other people. It will not teach you that you can be happy only when you are the first. That is sheer nonsense. You cannot be happy just by coming first. And in trying to
be first you go through such misery that you become habituated to misery by the time you become first.
The above words of spiritual leader Osho Rajneesh ring particularly true, especially in today’s fast-paced, hyper-competitive world when education is crunched to mere marks and percentages, and the human element is overlooked. University heads now face the challenge of ensuring that educational agenda also takes cognisance of the ultimate goal of producing students with a holistic, selfless attitude to life, and are aware of all their duties and responsibilities and not just their rights and freedom.
Administration is not the real challenge; it is creating systems and policies that enrich students and the faculty. Developing teaching and learning resources is easy, but developing such resources that enhance development is difficult. And developing such resources that enhance quality is all the more difficult.
Many university heads possess a background in administration and in the case of some, stints in the civil services may have even taught them governance and management. Yet the challenges of education can be far more complex, even for people from meritorious background. Click here to read full article..
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