Sudan's biggest arms supplier is silent on the atrocities
Global heavyweights singing the anti-China chorus –
citing the Dragon's Olympian disregard for human rights – have found yet another explosive premise to stump it with. After the Tibetans used the excuse of the Olympics to keep their free-Tibet Torch blazing, their supporters complain that China's stance on the Darfur conflict equally merits global condemnation. China is being accused of "abetting genocide in Darfur" – no less – causing the UN military presence there to suffer the jitters.
The save-Darfur drive – promoted under the banner of Genocide Olympics – has won scores of celebrity endorsements, including those of Hollywood star Mia Farrow and former Olympic swimmers Shannon Shakespeare and Nikki Dryden. They have all mailed an "open letter" to Chinese President Hu Jintao, signed by eight Nobel laureates, 13 Olympic athletes and 46 parliamentarians. This is a charge that China is finding even harder to rebut, than the one it faces in Tibet. For the Dragon does have enormous influence on the Khartoum government, being its principal arms supplier. Amnesty International USA says China sold Sudan weapons, aircraft and spare parts worth $83 million in 2005 for its proxy invasions of Chad. (That is the latest year for which figures are available.) China buys about two-thirds of Sudan's oil exports, and nearly 70% of the latter's oil revenues go to its murderous military force.....Continue
Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).
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Global heavyweights singing the anti-China chorus –
The save-Darfur drive – promoted under the banner of Genocide Olympics – has won scores of celebrity endorsements, including those of Hollywood star Mia Farrow and former Olympic swimmers Shannon Shakespeare and Nikki Dryden. They have all mailed an "open letter" to Chinese President Hu Jintao, signed by eight Nobel laureates, 13 Olympic athletes and 46 parliamentarians. This is a charge that China is finding even harder to rebut, than the one it faces in Tibet. For the Dragon does have enormous influence on the Khartoum government, being its principal arms supplier. Amnesty International USA says China sold Sudan weapons, aircraft and spare parts worth $83 million in 2005 for its proxy invasions of Chad. (That is the latest year for which figures are available.) China buys about two-thirds of Sudan's oil exports, and nearly 70% of the latter's oil revenues go to its murderous military force.....Continue
Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).
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